Monday, 3 December 2007

Day 7, Wednesday, Midnight.

It was midnight in Dhaka and the plane carrying the consignment of relief goods had finally arrived. Haseeb Khan and I were there along with the British High Commissioner, Mr Anwar Choudhury, a Bangladeshi Government Minister and officials from DFID, CARE and Save the Children.

Several journalists were present; I think mostly Bangladeshi TV
stations and newspapers. After several shots of us in front of the plane while the plane was unloaded, (over 43,000 blankets and 24,000 jerrycans....a lot of bales and boxes), there was a TV interview. DFID invited me to do a 'piece to camera' on behalf of all the NGOs present.

I spoke about HelpAge International, Help the Aged, our strong local partner the Resource Integration Centre, RIC's staff and field teams; explained when we would pick up the items today by truck and distribute in Pirojpur and Bagerhat; highlighted older people issues in this emergency, particularly with the onset of winter. The blankets that arrived today will definitely help a lot of older people suffering from age related illnesses like arthritis. I also mentioned the positive role the Older People’s Associations are playing in the relief phase in identifying the most vulnerable older people headed families in close collaboration with the local authorities and other agencies.

By 1.00am it was over.

The guys at RIC immediately started packing the consignment we received tonight. Meanwhile, another consignment of food relief was ready to deliver. The food items will ensure that 5000 families in the pirojpur district (which saw more than 350 dead and 900 injured) will now be able to eat three times a day for a week.

The cyclone completely destroyed their seasonal crop of 'aman' rice so for the next few months they will get no food. It is very important that we support those affected by the cyclone during this time.

Coming Soon! Read about the actual distributions and see photos of how HelpAge International, RIC and Help the Aged are making a difference.

Please support us by donating to the DEC Appeal.

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